Satya Nag Champa has changed!

Some of our customers comment about Satya Nag Champa smelling different then they remember. What has happened? First, let’s point out that there has been two price increases in the last 6 months from Shrinivas and rumor has it, one more will take place later this year. Shrinivas has increased prices anywhere from 20 to 30 percent recently and more will be coming. So what has attributed to these increases and why does Satya Nag Champa smell different? There are a few possible reasons for this.
1. The recipe has changed, we have been told from reliable sources that this has actually been going on the past 7 years or so, but more dramatically the last 6 months. One of the key ingredients in Nag Champa is Halmaddi. This substance is what gives Nag Champa and many other incenses their unique bouquet. The problem is that Halmaddi is also one of the most expensive ingredients used in these incenses. Sources have also said that Halmaddi is becoming more scarce in India, thus the pricing keeps going up along with the high demand. Due to this, it is rumored that Shrinivas has been reducing the amount of Halmaddi along with increasing the price of this popular incense. Shrinivas in the largest producer of incense using Halmaddi along with also being the number one selling brand of incense: Satya Nag Champa.
2. Are you buying real Nag Champa? This is always the first question that many users ask themselves when they notice a change in their favorite scent. There are knockoffs out there, but we believe that they are few. One thing to consider, age of Nag Champa’s can very greatly. If a local store has purchased from a distributor that has had inventory for a long time, then the store has it in their inventory for months, this batch will be different when compared to newer and fresh stock. Keep in mind too, if it’s too cheap or too good of a deal, it might not be authentic. Shrinivas also switched to a silver holographic seal on all Nag Champa boxes 15g and above mid 2005 (including Superhit), if you are seeing the old blue label, it is older product. We have seen Nag Champa up to 2 and 3 years old on eBay and other sites. Trust your dealer that buys direct and supports a wide variety of Shrinivas products. Knowledgeable dealers also know real from fake and don’t always buy on lowest price.
3. Free samples are included in most boxes of Satya Nag Champa since 2005, these include Satya Superhit and Satya Natural (these are their next best sellers) This does not change the aroma of Nag, but some users find that this aroma may give the illusion that it smells different. Once that samples are removed and the Nag can air out a bit, this after aroma will leave. These few samples cannot change how Nag Champa smells when it is burning.
4. Last but not least, natural ingredients are seasonal and do change. So aromas that are based on natural ingredients do smell different from time to time. Just as that apple your purchased one month was sweet and juicy, the next month it may be completely different.
So does this make Satya Nag Champa not as good as it used to be? Not really, it’s just different. Many users are still burning this incense, many are still discovering it for the first time and love it.. For those that have burned it for years and feel that it’s not quite what it used to be or just don’t like it, there are alternatives. Shanthimalai Nag Champa (also known as Red Nag) is very much what Satya Nag Champa was 10 years ago, it is very rich. Goloka Nag Champa (also known as Gold Nag) is a bit lighter and more earthly. We feel that these are the best two alternates to hardcore Nag Champa fans. Both of these brands have consistency and we have had no reports or experience of them smelling different from batch to batch. Shanthimalai and Goloka also contribute to good causes to help women and children in India. We will continue to support all of these Nag Champa’s in our store and encourage you to try new incenses.
Thank you for enlighting me on what's going on with my favorite Nag. I recently found Red Nag on your site and have been very pleased with it.
i'm happy to have found your store and your blog. i just purchased some sai baba nag, however, i look forward to purchasing some of the red from you once i am done. nag champa has such a heavenly aroma that reminds me of home.
Thank you for promoting Goloka Nag Champa thereby directly helping thousands of poor children have a meal.I visited the site & was truly impressed by this noble cause.
The Secret Swami Secret Swami.wmv
(23,3 MB. To obtain the best view, you should keep the video-screen small, because the quality of the online-movie is not very good.)
This World – Secret Swami
9.00-10.00pm BBC TWO
The most popular of all Indian Godmen, Sai Baba has always been the Teflon God, the untouchable, charismatic man worshipped by Indian prime ministers, presidents and peasants. His power over both the influential and the downtrodden goes to the heart of Indian society and raises serious questions about the social health of the world’s fastest-emerging economy.
Sai Baba claims to be a living God and, to millions, his word is truth; his ability to bring clean water and healthcare to thousands, proof of divinity.
In a programme that explores the nature of belief, This World travels from India to California, where the generation whose devotion and donations helped Sai Baba to power is unravelling at the seams.
Hard Rock Café owner Isaac Tigrett sent Sai Baba’s message around the world by making the Godman’s Love All Serve All mantra the corporate slogan of his multimillion-dollar empire. He now has to confront the fact that his God may have been a sexual abuser.
This World features the story of a family who gave their entire lives to a man they believed was God, only to discover he was exacting a terrible price: the sexual innocence of their son. In an intimate and powerful portrait a family talk openly about their betrayal and the man who controlled their lives.
“The being which I called Sai Baba, the living God that I had taken into my heart, had been truly abusing my son, for so long. I felt completely betrayed,” says Marissa, a former devotee.Another,
Alaya, says: “I remember him saying, ‘If you don’t do what I say, your life will be filled with pain and suffering’.”
This programme is the first to film inside Sai Baba’s Ashram for a number of years and aims to come closer to the true “face of God” than ever before.
Also concerned -
Do people realize this man is dead
(for several years now)? Since he is dead - he will suffer for whatever trangressions he is guilty of.
i was shocked to read about satya sai baba as i have been using satya sai baba nag champa for some time now.i think some one has to expose the satya sai baba the peodophile.
i have stopped using satya nag champa and been using goloka nag since then
satya sai baba is a peadophile and must be punished.i learnt about his activities from
and have stopped using his incense since then
Thanks Guru for really knowing what is going on. I have been a nag lover forever and have noticed that is does very greatly. I recently purchased both the red and gold nags from you recently and I'm in love all over again. Thanks again for telling us the truth, something that other people I have done business with know nothing about. You have a customer for life.
thanks for informing about satya sai baba.i have switched to goloka that feeds children rather than someone who rapes children.i think it is your duty to inform everyone about satya
The shanthimalai red nag champa would be a good product if it werent for the very extra thick stick. its atleast 10 times thicker than the goloka and theres more stick than incense.i guess thats why it cost twice as much as golaka and sai baba they have to pay for the extra thick sticks that dilutes the smell.if they ever go to a smaller stick i would buy again, because i want to smell the incense not the stick.
thank you for getting this wonderful "GOLOKA" nag champa incense.I think it is every ones duty to inform about Satya Sai Baba and his nefarious activities.Satya Nag Champa should be banned in the USA and every wholesaler should boycott his products
"Since he is dead - he will suffer for whatever trangressions he is guilty of."
yeah right mmmkay. and don't forget santa claus and the easter bunny too.
In regards to two boxes online and they smelt wonderful. I was hooked, but just brought a large pack from another place and they didn't smell anywhere near as nice.
I just bought a couple of boxes with the silver seal, which you say should mean that it's current and it's real. But I burnt it at home and it smelled just like the knock offs.
I went and bought a giant box from a legit shop in California and it smells like what I would expect nag champa to smell like...but these have the blue seal (which you stated is out of date from 2005) but dated 2012 on it.
What's the dealio? If they're both legit boxes, I think I'd rather have the blue seal.
CaptZiggy - That original post is dated 2005, 8+ years ago, somethings have changed. The current seal of 2013 is a striped seal of silver, blue and red with sparkles in it. Shrinvas has been dating their Nag Champa product on the back as well the last 3 years or so... Your product with the plain silver seal is old, your product you purchased that says 2012 is a 1+ year old. We carry only the newest and freshest products online, which is currently 2013 and will be moving to 2014 sometime next year.
Why don't they just cultivate more of the flower?? That's like allowing a wheat shortage to occur in the US and rather than planting additional fields, we'll just switch up the ingredients in all wheat products so it reduces the quality and taste. Makes no sense.
Nag Champa blue seal no longer smells like anything but burnt sticks. They have removed whatever made it smell that classic aroma . Super Hit is equally as bad with zero aroma. I have tried different boxes of both . Waste of Money
Sai Baba but the way was a fraud and a trixter . Anyone with half a brain could tell that
I just tries this Vijayshre golden Nag champa( red ) which is the best incense i have used till date,
there is no Nag champa i havent tried, nothing is even close to Golden Nagchampa ( Shantimalai or satya are just outdated)
I am trying all other aromas in their series and I admit they are brilliant
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